Collect Avios convert with Melia
You can convert MeliáRewards points into Avios when you have a minimum balance of 100 MeliáRewards points which will give you 30 Avios. MeliáRewards points can be converted in multiples of 100.
To convert points into Avios automatically, log into your MeliáRewards online account and select Executive Club as your "preferred partner" in your profile before the hotel stay. You can also transfer MeliáRewards points to Avios whenever you wish by selecting "transfer points between programmes" in your MeliáRewards online account.
Meliá Hotels & Resorts is a charming hotel chain with more than 60 years of history. Operating in over 40 countries, Meliá Hotels & Resorts define their unique sense of hospitality through innovation, warmth and adding those important little extras that show caring conviviality. Try a Meliá hotel and see for yourself and collect 3 Avios for every €1 spent with each stay. If you are a member of MeliáRewards you can also transfer points into Avios giving you more choice on your hotel stays.